[Re Jaffray v. Lloyd's, on appeal]


On 29th May Lord Justice Clark ruled that the Court of Appeal will hold a one day hearing to decide if the Claimant Names can appeal the judgement of Cresswell J. The day of 23rd July has been provisionally appointed.

Meanwhile a preliminary issue will be heard by two Judges of the Appeals Court on Thursday 21st June at 2 pm following an application made by Sir William Jaffray on behalf of the litigants in person. It is in open court. This application is for an Order in four parts - a stay of all legal proceedings by Lloyd's and associated creditors pending the final determination of this litigation; disclosure of Lloyd's U, S. Attorney Reports on asbestos, the R & R finality statements of Lloyd's officials charged with fraud and the Equitas APH claims data which reveal the continuing escalation of unquantifiable asbestosis liability.

The 21st June public hearing is expected to be hotly contested because the applicants seek to have all Confidentiality Orders of the lower court set aside; without full and complete disclosure to all litigants there can be no fair trial and Names' human rights will have been violated. If the Court of Appeal declines to grant the Order, an immediate application to the European Court of Human Rights will be triggered.

The Claimant Names in the threshold fraud trial remain supremely confidant that the Cresswell judgement will be overturned and the charge of fraud against Lloyd's will be proven. In pursuing this objective, the Names now have legal advice and assistance from RILAC, led by Mr David Charity and Mr Howard Simons.

Justice will be given to the Names, whether it be in the National Courts or in Europe, and with it, full and proper compensation is expected.

20th June 2001

Note: Sir William Jaffray & Ors -v- Society of Lloyd's from High Court, 1996 Folio no. 2032 to Court of Appeal case no. A 3/2000/3863/A/C.

There are 216 Claimant Names, of whom approximately 200 are represented either by More Fisher Brown or by Grower Freeman & Goldberg. Romford Independent Legal Advice Centre ["RILAC", above] is a registered charity, reg. no. 1081716.

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